Improving Delirium Prevention. Enhancing Patient Experience.

The Evaluating Novel Healthcare Approaches to Nurturing and Caring for Hospitalized Elders (ENHANCE) trial is investigating common, evidence-based interventions for preventing delirium.

Loving adult daughter hugging older mother, standing behind couch at home

Trial Details

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patients and
family members

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years total

A caregiver helps an elderly man with his stretching exercises.

Why the ENHANCE Trial is Important

The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) has years of research and evidence to support its use in hospitals to prevent delirium. However, it is unknown if adding the additional layer of family and care partner involvement (FAM-HELP) will work better than HELP, or if HELP will remain the best model of care. The ENHANCE research trial hopes to answer this question, with the ultimate goal of improved care in hospital settings for older adults (age 70 years and older) and prevention of delirium. This trial may help us find new ways for loved ones to enhance care of older adults during hospital stays.


“My great-grandmother experienced delirium that was not immediately recognized and she never returned to her physical or cognitive baseline. I am hoping this work will further make the case for family members as an essential part of the care team.”  – Family stakeholder

Sharon Inouye, MD, MPH

Sharon K. Inouye,

Clinical Core Leader and
Dual Principal Investigator

Philip Vlisides

Phillip Vlisides, MD

Data Core Leader and
Dual Principal Investigator

Karen Donelon

Karen Donelan,
ScD, EdM

Stakeholder Engagement Core Leader 

Eva Shmitt, PhD

Eva Schmitt, PhD

Overall Project Director and
Administrative Core Leader